Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Here, have an earworm

He's got cells.
They're multiplyin'.
And he's startin' to grow.
'Cause the food that
you're supplyin',
it's electrifyin'!

Gotta eat up,
Gonna be a man.
Gonna grow up big and strong.
Gotta eat up;
His body must expand
All this growin' takes so long.

Nothin' left, nothin' left for him to do.

That's the food that I want.
(that's the food i want), o,o, oo, honey.
The food that I want.
(that's the food i want want), o,o,oo, honey.
The food that I want
(that's the food i want want), o,o, ooooo
The food I need.
Oh, yes indeed.

If you want
more breastfeeding
you're too shy to convey,
just grope for the bosom.
Feel your way.

I better eat up,
grow to be a man.
Grow to be a man
just keep eating day and night.
I better eat up
if I'm gonna grow
you better grow
Everything will be all right.

Are you sure?
Yes, I'm sure down deep inside.

It's the food that I want.
(it's the food i want want), o, o, oo, honey.
The food that I want.
(It's the food i want want), o,o,oo, honey.
The food that I want
(it's the food that i want),o, o, oo
The food I need.
Oh, yes indeed.

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