They were well into the woods when Gaunt held up a hand. Cloudburst stopped the moment Nightfall did, looking cautiously around. The world around them had already gone slightly dim: Nightfall was extending her power, preparing to plunge them into darkness. Cloudburst put a hand on her shoulder, a gentle touch to keep them together if she did.
I'm seeing some glows up ahead, Gaunt broadcast back to them. Anomalies. Probably waiting for us.
There was a momentary pause, then his voice spoke in Cloudburst's head again: I'm going to try to lead us around them. Stay quiet and don't do anything to attract attention.
Nightfall eased up, and Cloudburst took her hand back off the other girl's shoulder.
Gaunt turned right, and they followed, closing ranks as they circled whoever it was that he'd spotted.
They kept on, and after a few minutes Cloudburst felt herself start to relax -- so she forced herself to look around. Gaunt? Are you listening?
There was a pause, and then he asked, What is it?
Are they following us?
Ahead of her, Gaunt slowed, then stopped. After a moment he said, They've spread out. They know we got past them, and they're looking for us. He glanced back, then started forward, quickening his pace but making sure that they could all keep up.
Cloudburst, for her part, was taking notes in her head. Armor was easily the loudest of them; her suit whirred slightly every time she moved. Gaunt and Nightfall were nearly silent; Tempest less so, but not any louder than Cloudburst thought she was herself. That would be something for them to work on.
She glanced back just in time to see someone ease out of the trees behind them.
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