Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Lithos: Contests of Strength

Lithos had a plan. He almost always did. The humans were larger than he was and far stronger, so if he was going to prove himself a true dwarf by defeating one of them in a wrestling match, they'd just have to be weaker. Either that, or he'd have to be stronger, but he had no way of doing that himself.

His sister Pythia, however, could make him bigger. So his plan was to have her enlarge him just before the contest began. Then he could step into the ring, enfeeble the human, and then move in and pin him when he was too weak to move. It would have been a great triumph.

That was before his brother Archibald had stepped in and told him not to worry about it. 

Archibald was a pretty good brother. He was particularly good at talking his way out of trouble, both for himself and for the family. And clearly he had Done Something so that they could win without using methods that the stiff and supercilious proctor might frown on. 

So Lithos decided to trust him, and went into the ring at his usual size. He didn't cast any spells; he just grappled his human opponent...

...The man made a decent show of struggling with him, but finally fell and let Lithos pull his arm up behind his back and "pin" him. Well, she can hardly complain now, he decided. No magic, just some badly staged wrestling.

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