Friday, August 25, 2023

Dark Armor: Courtly Guidance

"Lady Vathira," said Pallian, having finally tracked the Royal Steward down in the servants' quarters, where she was organizng a half-dozen liveried servants for an expedition into town. "May I have a moment of your time?"

She turned around as the servants departed, studied him for a long moment, and then made a small but decisive nod. Vathira was taller than Pallian by nearly a full head, pale of hair and eye, with a narrow face that emphasized her cheekbones. She offered a graceful courtesy, then acknowledged him: "Prince Pallian. It is good to see you still serve the Crown."

...As opposed to having been executed, he filled in silently, but offered a bow in return. Vathira was not one of his father's advisors, but it would be a mistake to think of her as any less important. "It is my honor to do so," he said, choosing propriety over any attempt to acknowledge her unspoken words. 

"And how may I assist you in your duties?" Vathira's voice was polite, her expression carefully interested. 

Pallian drew a breath. "My father has asked me to entertain our guests; he bade me have you arrange it, and accompany us." 

Vathira tilted her head, studying him. "Well, that helps settle a rather thorny issue. What did you have in mind?"

"I'd thought to conduct them to the garden, unless you think that inappropriate." Pallian paused artfully, then added: "It occurred to me that they might appreciate a bit of sunlight."

Lady Vathira nodded. "Yes, that seems likely to be a welcome suggestion. Very well. Return to your chambers, and I will make arrangements -- and send someone to summon you when they are ready."

Pallian bowed. "I await their pleasure," he said, and departed feeling as if she'd just organized him as thoroughly as she did any of the servants. It wasn't an uncomfortable feeling, though he would have had to play along even if it had been. Instead, he was pleased; Vathira appeared to appreciate both his arrival and his suggestion.

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