Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Challenge: Average Eats

(This post is part of the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge. You can find links to other writers' answers over at Long and Short Reviews.)

Prompt: What I eat in the average day

Huh. That's... huh. That's an interesting question. Okay, let's take a look: 

Breakfast: Generally something with a bit of egg and cheese, possibly bacon and sausage. Frequently, this is a frozen breakfast product prepared in the microwave, but I do sometimes cook things up as well. I also sometimes skip breakfast entirely; it really depends on how the morning is going.

Lunch: I'm working from home a lot, so frequently we're looking at leftovers or frozen lunches. Otherwise, probably fast food... but if I'm actually in the office, I'm more likely to go out and get a decent meal: sushi, Mongolian beef, bulgogi, pho, fajitas... things like that.

Dinner: This one is probably the most variable, and the most dependent on how the week is going. Sometimes we cook; sometimes we have leftovers; sometimes we order pizza. (You can tell we don't have a lot of spoons left when it's pizza. Not that I mind pizza, it's just something I try to hold in reserve for when none of us have the energy to prepare anything.)

Snacks: I'm really, really, really trying not snack, or at least not to snack much. Sugar-free gum helps; so does a big mug of tea, or a bit of orange mixed into a glass of water. Unfortunately, I'm kind of a sucker for those little candy hearts that show up before Valentine's Day, so the last week or so has been... um... a tiny bit of an indulgence. 

How about you?


  1. Yeah, it’s a very good idea to save pizza for low spoons days.

    I’m a sucker for those little candy hearts, too. I haven’t seen them in my area yet.

  2. I like the "conversation hearts" too...have been known just to read and not eat them, but usually eat at least some of them.

  3. Not a fan of the conversation hearts. Send me more the chocolate hearts :-)

  4. Hi! I love those lil heart candies! We have a dishwasher, and we still run outta spoons! That is definitely a pizza night! Your work lunches sound fabulous too! When I worked outside my home, I always had great work lunches at this fancy Mexican restaurant near the office. I miss that place!

  5. Seems you're trying to eat healthy.

  6. I love pizza myself, but then I have a lot of low spoon days :)


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