Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Challenge: I'd Like To Visit

(This post is part of the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge. You can find links to other writers' answers over at Long and Short Reviews.)

Prompt: Book setting you'd like to visit and why

In my youth, I would have liked to visit Midian, the fictional necropolis from Clive Barker's Cabal where the last of the world's monsters live (or at least dwell), and practice arts and abilities long forgotten by the daylight world. I would have wanted to go there and join them, become one of them. 

That's a little more complicated when you're married and raising children. I'm not as feral as I was in my youth. 

But I still feel like if I get the chance to visit the setting of a book, I should really take advantage of it: find a magic sword! Learn sorcery! See strange sights and meet fascinating people! Live a little!

So... I'd probably go with Amber, from Roger Zelazny's Amber Chronicles. (Another formative influence on my early writing...) It would be the perfect setting for all that, plus I could take the whole family. And even those without royal blood could potentially learn sorcery, or how to follow the paths from world to world, or perhaps create objects or creatures of power... or maybe just visit the Forest of Arden, and see Prince Julian's stormhounds.

And Amber itself, as the One True World, exists at the center of a fractal array of other possible worlds that spread out all the way to the Courts of Chaos. Our Earth is one of those worlds, so it would be possible to visit Amber and still be able to return home -- or to make multiple visits. And being in Amber seems to have a strengthening effect, lengthening lifespans and improving health... Yeah. 

Amber. All roads lead to Amber.


  1. I remember Amber! I haven't pick up those books in such a long time. Thanks for the memories. :)

  2. I like the idea of visiting a magical world. It'd be fascinating.

  3. Those are great choices! The Cabal world would be really tempting!


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