Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Duendewood: The Librarian Who Wasn't

Aesa sighed and tried to find a comfortable position while she read. They'd been here for days, tucked away in the chapter house just outside of Woodhill, while the human scholar Domian Ulthres and the Elvish scholar Rondelvan sorted through the ancient treaties, took notes, and made copies. The gnomish librarian Ellywick was supervising them, and for the first few days that had been enough to make Aesa grateful that she'd been left in the larger library outside of the study room. 

The elvish paladin Werendril raised his eyes and shifted his weight at the next table over. He was not unattractive himself, she thought, though she wasn't sure how much of that was her reaction and how much might be Corellon Larethian wanting her to be allied with one of His own. Divine politics were both subtle and complex, and Aesa wasn't eager to involve herself in any more of them after the crash course that had resulted in her pregnancy. 

"Are you finding what you need, dear?" asked a soft voice, and Aesa realized that one of the librarians had stopped beside her. The woman was old, even for an elf, white-haired and stoop-shouldered; she might have been old enough to remember Saint Margery herself. 

"Amun provides," Aesa answered automatically, then added: "Corellon does as well."

"In his way," answered the librarian, with a small laugh. "You offer praise to them both, still?"

Aesa looked up, distracted enough to give up on trying to sort out the Elvish view of history. "I do. I am a priest of Amun, and I honor Corellon on behalf of my father."

"He is well," said the librarian, and Aesa blinked and asked: "What?"

"Jerivir Quindillan works the docks in Annon, for far too little pay. Still, he is whole and well, and he would pleased to know that his wife and daughter are safe, and that you seek news of him."

Aesa held up a hand and took a deep breath. "This is too much. Who are you?"

The librarian chuckled even as something tickled at the back of her mind, a hint that all was not as it seemed. "Were you married, I would be your mother by law." 

Aesa drew breath to speak a name, held it, then let it out without forming the words. "It is good to finally meet you." 

The elderly librarian smiled. "You are wise, and gifted. No wonder my son found his way to you. Would you speak well for your human companion?"

Aesa nodded without hesitation. "If I have the timing right, Anica caught him first. And she was interested, and apologetic for a mistake she had made. She is my friend, and she made her own choices for her own reasons... but there is nothing of dishonesty or betrayal there. Ask the paladin, if you're uncertain."

The supposed librarian smiled. "I did, and his assessment matches yours. I will see you both later. If anything comes up, Darvinin can contact me."

Aesa nodded again. "I am... honestly, kind of puzzled. But it was good to meet you at last."

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