Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Blogging Challenge: Best Parts of Each Season

For the last two years, I've been taking part in the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge over at Long and Short Reviews. (The first link will take you to the list of topics; the second one goes to the homepage, where you can find a post with everyone's responses each week. Feel free to join in!)

The prompt for today is "the best parts of each season," which is interesting because I don't generally think about seasons that way. For one thing, I work in a server room, so to some extent it's always cold regardless of what's going on outside. Mainly, though, I just don't tend to stop and reflect on things as an aspect of their seasons. 

So, for example, I don't generally think, "Ah, summer is here! We can go to the beach!" It's more like, "Dear ye gods it's hot outside! Why? WHYYYYY!?!?!" ...along with a bit of, "And now the boys are out of school and it will require extra effort to keep them on schedule." 

I'm in Texas, by the way, and it turns out our super-special not-federally-regulated power grid is not only incapable of handling extreme cold, it's also not real good with extreme heat. Given what the temperatures are doing right now, this is probably going to be every bit as much of a disaster as the loss of power was during the Icepocalypse. 

But the prompt was for the best parts of each season, so let's look on the positive side. 

Spring: Spring is usually (hopefully) a time when the temperatures are pleasant and it rains a lot (which I also enjoy). The plants are green and blooming, and despite what that does to my allergies it's always refreshing to see that. 

Summer: In summer the boys are out of school, so we can take family trips. Travel is absolutely the best part of summer, to my mind. 

Autumn: Fall is when the heat finally breaks and my allergies settle down; we usually get some rain again, too, which I love. There are also holidays (Halloween is, perhaps unsurprisingly, my favorite) and the boys are back in school so our household gets back into more of a rhythm. 

Winter: Texas winters tend not to be all that cold -- though climate change is making that less reliable than it was in my youth -- and I find the chill very pleasant. Also, it lets me break out some items of clothing -- coats and suchlike -- that I don't ordinarily get to wear. Plus, again, we get a stretch where the boys are in school and everybody's on a fairly regular schedule; that's more of a relief than I care to admit.

So... off the top of my head, those are my favorite parts of each season.


  1. I mentioned Halloween, too.

    And I’m a little jealous of your mild winters. :)

  2. I love Halloween, but forgot to mention it. I also have allergies, which can really ruin the day. :)

  3. I also have allergies, so winter is definitely my favourite. More heat means more pollen.

  4. Yeah, my pollen issues have degenerated to a point where I have to wear a mask for a while anytime someone so much as enters/leaves the house (since they opened a door in the process), and if I'm actually going to be outside for an extended period I usually need to tape the nose shut (with a band-aid or other medical tape) because mask nosepieces often can't go tight enough for an adequate seal. Winter pretty much wins by default at this point.

    1. That's one of the reasons I've continued masking, honestly. Not the most important, but it actually does seem to help.

    2. As long as I keep a mask on the whole time I'm in a sufficiently pollinated airspace and maintain a good enough mask seal, I can stay symptom-free.

      The only trouble is that the threshold for "sufficiently pollinated" keeps dropping and the threshold for "good enough mask seal" keeps rising. I would not be surprised if I end up pulling an Alan Turing in a few years, cycling around town in a gas mask.


      I started wearing pollen masks in 2017, and I'm glad people have started to realise how useful they are. I just wish it were under better circumstances.

    3. P.S. Also great for dusting and vacuuming.


Feel free to leave comments; it lets me know that people are actually reading my blog. Interesting tangents and topic drift just add flavor. Linking to your own stuff is fine, as long as it's at least loosely relevant. Be civil, and have fun!