Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Sparse and Erratic

Okay, so:

I realize I haven't been as good about posting on the blog o' doom here as I used to be. I haven't done a Mad Scientist thing in ages, and while I used to throw little bits of fiction up here I've been really bad about that. (It's not lack of ideas, it's more that the ideas that I really like, I'd like to look at actually *publishing* in some fashion, and I don't have the time and energy to create material in more than one area. Heck, I can barely manage *one* area...)

Which is why we haven't heard from the mad scientist, the halfling necromancer, the father trying to get his family through the multipocalypse, any random bits of speculative fiction, or even my random, weird dreams.

Reader, I want you to know that there is actually a post sitting in my draft folder right now. The text is completely empty, and the title just says:
"I dunno, just do something with this."


Apparently I've resorted to leaving myself little notes that I should write things for this blog, without even the courtesy of adding a writing prompt.

I keep hoping things will smooth back out, and I think they are - but's a very slow, gradual process. So, as always, we'll see.

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